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Modern and Near Future Apocalypse Locations $4.95
Publisher: Santy's
by Aronne G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/31/2016 04:08:36

Very good maps, there is a alley, multiple downtown streets, offices, a gas station... if you need to throw in a combat or a delicate situation, you are probably covered.

I bought both of "Modern and Near Future Apocalypse Locations" from Santy's, I feel it should be a single package (I reviewed both in one, so some maps may missing from this specific package).

The only downside it's there are multiple pictures, not just a single PDF to easily catalogue. To someone could be an upside, especially if you can edit it without needing to extrapolate the picture from a PDF to do so.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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Modern and Near Future Apocalypse Locations
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